Case Studies

AMPing Accudock’s Website To Increase Site Speed
What does this increase in site speed mean for business owners? The simple answer, It means people will stay on your site longer. Before OptFirst AMPed Accudock’s mobile site they had an average session duration of about 52 seconds. The site is big, and includes an eCommerce platform, and took a long time load. After the website was AMPed, the average session duration is up to 2:08. Potential customers are staying on the site longer, and engaging with Accudock’s extensive amount of content, and most importantly, they are reaching out to the company. Mobile leads have doubled every month since the AMP site launched. Calls and form fill outs are steadily streaming into the sales department.
AMPing a website from 10+seconds to under 1 second!
OptFirst is always trying to stay on the edge of technology that has a real impact on search. Anything that can increase conversions for our customers is always on our radar. Late 2016 we recoded a WordPress website including its homepage and key traffic generating pages. What did we find? We were able to increase the speed to 10X using the EXACT same text and images. Not only did the reduce load-time decrease bounce rate but it increased customer interaction, based on the increase in submitted quote estimates as well as phone calls.