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Why Google’s laughing all the way to the bank with Google Plus

Social media companies have rejoiced!

They finally killed Google Plus and no longer have to post on their clients’ accounts!!! YEAH!

So Google is killing Google Plus and what does that mean for social media? Google Plus was merely the bridge between Google’s core products: Google Search, Gmail, YouTube and Google Maps, trying to make things easier for the sometimes not-so-tech-savvy consumer. By getting rid of Google Plus they are admittedly not trying to take on Facebook any longer.

However, when you own the online real estate Google owns – whose market share is increasing on a daily basis, there is no need to bother. So ultimately Google will have lower cost, less management and no client dissension over their brand. That reminds us of an old saying, “whoever laughs last, laughs loudest.”

Now you may ask, “what will posting on Google Places for businesses look like?”

Considering that Google Places/Maps typically has more traffic than a business’ website and posts are actually included in Google search results, it might STILL BE SMART to post on this online property – which has 10X the visibility and click through rate compared to a Facebook post – that can really only be seen if the business owner pays to promote it!

So yes, it’s still hugely important to post of Google Plus for Business (or whatever it will ultimately be called now). Sorry social media companies.

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