
Instagram Marketing Mistakes

While we typically focus on how to take advantage of Instagram’s marketing capabilities, we rarely discuss social media practices that could hurt our businesses.  

Many of these are small mistakes that can be fixed with a little time and resources, but they’re things that can flush your credibility down the drain fast.  The trick to overcoming these mistakes is to recognize them and their causes so you can avoid them in the first place.  This prevents bad habits from developing while forming the backbone of a successful Instagram marketing campaign.

Check out some of these super simple newbie Instagram marketing mistakes: 

1-Inconsistent posting
plan your feed in advance and stay organized

2-Not engaging with your community 
spend some time everyday engaging with them

3-Using low-definition images  
Instagram is a visual platform (look for our Hi- Def Post)

4-Incorporating vague hashtags 
Search for less popular hashtags

5-Putting quantity over quality
Buying followers or automated tools can hurt your account, so don’t do it.

What are some mistakes you’ve seen businesses make on social media?