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How to Manage Orders on WooCommerce

We love WooCommerce. We use it all the time for e-commerce clients. There is something about it’s easy-to-use interface, customization ability, great integrations including Google Shopping, etc. (the list benefits could go on…). It’s perfect for clients that are on a WordPress that are selling 30 products or less.

Since we use WooCommerce a lot, we’re always pointing clients to the manage orders doc page. Additional questions about how to manage orders come up, so we created supplemental procedures that go over how to make address changes, how to process cancellations, how to process refunds, what if a customer wants to add to an existing order or how to manually add an order, etc.

We hope it’s helpful for you.
Happy selling!
OptFirst Team

 WooCommerce Procedures for Order Management

Go to: https://www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin and enter your username/password.

Once you are signed into the WP-Admin section of the website:

  • On the left hand column, scroll to WooCommerce. Click Orders.
  • You will see all the orders that have been placed on the website, including breakouts of:
    • Pending Payments (merchant account has not yet approved the payment),
    • Processing (payment has been approved by merchant but the product has not shipped),
    • Completed (the product has now been shipped to the customer),
    • Cancelled (Cancelled orders & when the customer drops off in the checkout process, usually because it took to much time),
    • Failed (those that tried to use a credit card but merchant would not allow it to be processed, i.e. wrong billing info, declined credit card, etc.)
  • On the top Right, you can search for orders by order number, first name, last name, etc.

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Once you pull up a customer’s details, it will look like this:

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Address Change

  • Under the customer’s order, next to “Billing Details / Shipping Details,” click the pencil to edit, update the address and click “Save Order”

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  • Under the customer’s order, under “order status” change to “cancelled.” Then click “save order,” then under “order actions” click on “cancelled order” for it to send a notice to the email address selected.

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  • On the order page, under Order Items, click “Refund”
  • Once you click “Refund,” boxes will appear to enter the refund amount. Enter the number listed above the box (the original prices). The refund amount will auto calculate. Then click on the “refund $____ manually” button. You will then get a refund notice to confirm you want to send a refund. Click “ok.”

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  • The order status will automatically go to “Refunded.” Click “save order” and the system will auto-generate an email to the customer notifying them that their order has been refunded.

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  • Please note that you will need to be sure that the refund was processed through the merchant account as Woocommerce may not be set up to automatically process this.

Item Change (swap out an order)

  • You first change the status from “processing” to “on hold” then “save order.” Then in the order items section, on the right there is a “x,” click on that to delete the item. Then click “add product,” search for the product, “add” and then “save.” Then you can change the status back to “processing” and then on the top right, click “Save Order.” You can then generate a new order email on the top right drop down.

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Add to an Existing Order

  • Rule: Customer needs to place a new order on the website
  • Exceptions to that rule: manually add to an order – You first change the status from “processing” to “on hold” then “save order.” Then in the order items section, click “add new line item” and then “add product,” search for the product, “add” and then “save.” You can then “calculate total.” Then you can change the status back to “processing” and then on the top right, click “Save Order”. You can then generate a new order email on the top right drop down.
    • You will also need to calculate the actual remaining amount due:
    • updated order total amount – amount they were charged originally = the amount you need to manually charge the customer

Manually Add an Order

  • You will first need to create a new user and then add a new order. See the below for instruction. In the order section, once you’ve added the customer information (make sure to include the shipping info and add their product order) and then change their order status to “Processing” so that it’ll be ready to ship.
  • If someone was already a user, you’d have to enter their username into the area that says “Customer” and then update the information. This creates a new order under the existing customer’s name.  

STEP 1 – How to Add a User: on the left hand side, click on “User,” then on the top left, “Add New” and then add the required information, “Role: Customer,” and click “Add New User.”

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STEP 2 – How to add a new order: under “Woocommerce,” “Orders,” click “Add Order”. You would add all of their customer information (billing/shipping details), then click “Add Line Item”, search for the product, select it. Then manually enter the shipping info, “Calculate Total.” Then “Save Order” and then update to “Processing” so it’s ready to ship. You can also generate an email through “Order Actions” and select “New Order,” “Save Order”

Part 1 of how to add an order:

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Part 2 of how to add an order:

woocommerce manual order (12)

View Sales Reports

  • Under WooCommerce, click “Reports” and you can view the sales in whatever time frame you wish. Click “export CSV” if you’d like the information on Excel.

Manage Reviews on Product Pages

  • When you get a notification that you received a review, go to the left hand side, under WooCommerce, click “Products.” Select the product that has a pending review. When you scroll down, you will see a “reviews” section with the pending comment. You can review it there, click “approve” or “trash.” It will save and then process on the front end of the site. See below.


For more information on WooCommerce and managing orders, visit: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/managing-orders/