
Facebook Insights: Overview

Facebook Insights shows you how users are interacting with your business on Facebook. The amount of information can feel overwhelming, but don’t be intimidated by all the graphics and technical jargon. Optfirst is here to share a simple analysis of these features.

Facebook Insights is a powerful tool that can help shape your marketing strategy. The data allows you to better understand the performance of your page and content. Does your audience respond better to videos or images? Do they engage more with posts that involve user interaction like a poll? Maybe your audience tends to interact with posts that encourage communication. Did your content strategy from last week improve from the week prior? You can use the insights tool to answer all of these questions and more. 

Finding the data you need to make improvements on your marketing strategy is easy. The first section you’ll come across using the Facebook Insights tool is the “Overview”.

Overview provides a summary of all measurable data on your Facebook page. This tab is divided into three sections:

Stay tuned to learn more about Facebook insights and be sure to check out your page’s overview so you can start measuring the success of your organic Facebook marketing!

Have you used Facebook Insights before?