
8-Point On-Page SEO Plan, Step 3: Congruent Content

8-Point On-Page SEO Plan, Step 3: Congruent Content

It’s day 3 of our look into John Kriney’s 8-point On-Page SEO Plan, a proven, straightforward method to optimize websites for beginners. Going over central fundamentals – from technical SEO to content creation and everything in between – John provides simple tips and tools anyone can use to improve their website’s Google rankings.

Step 3 of the 8-point On-Page SEO Plan is to match the content that appears on the desktop and mobile versions of your website. This means that what your site’s visitors see on their mobile phones reads, looks, and functions exactly as it would if they were viewing it on a PC.

Google’s been filtering websites that feature major mismatches between both versions since 2018, causing many websites’ rankings to plummet or in some cases be de-indexed altogether.

Use the tools discussed in the last 2 steps – checking indexing and mobile usability with Google Search Console – and correct any errors found.

Search Console shows these infractions, making it another reason to have your site verified and set up, ensuring both versions of your website mirror each other.

Are your website’s mobile and desktop versions twinning?